--- myst: html_meta: keywords: LaTeX,installing,installer un package LaTeX,installer une extension LaTeX" --- # Installing using ready-built ZIP files Installing packages, as they ("traditionally") appear on CTAN, involves : - identifying where to put the various files on an TDS tree, - installing them, and - a few housekeeping operations. Most people, for most packages, find the first two steps onerous, the last being easy (unless it is forgotten!). Ready-built ZIP files --- also known as [TDS-ZIP files](faquk:FAQ-tds-zip) --- are designed to lighten the load of performing the first two steps of installation : they contain all the files that are to be installed for a given package, in their "correct" locations in a [TDS tree](faquk:FAQ-tds). To install such a file on a Unix system (we assume that you'll install into the local TEXMF tree, at `$TEXMFLOCAL`) : ```bash cd $TEXMFLOCAL unzip $package.tds.zip ``` On a Windows system that is modern enough that it has a built-in ZIP unpacker, simply double-click on the file, and browse to where it's to be unpacked. (We trust that those using earlier versions of Windows will already have experience of using `WinZIP` or the like.) Having unpacked the `zip` archive, in most cases the only remaining chore is to update the file indexes --- as in [normal installation instructions](faquk:FAQ-inst-wlcf). However, if the package provides a font, you also need to enable the font's map, which is discussed in "[Installing a Type 1 font](faquk:FAQ-instt1font) :::{sources} [Installing using ready-built ZIP files](faquk:FAQ-inst-tds-zip) :::